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Weleda runs Onventis Open Procurement Network

Weleda AG from Schwäbisch Gmünd is introducing the e-procurement solution Onventis in its procurement department.

Onventis digitizes the strategic and operative procurement processes of Weleda AG and supports the procurement department in increasing the company’s success through material cost savings and process optimization.

It all started with a pharmaceutical laboratory – founded by a Dutch doctor, an Austrian philosopher and a pharmacist from Munich. Since 1921, the company develops and produces natural cosmetics and medicines for anthroposophical therapy, which support and restore human health and beauty. Weleda attaches great importance to sustainability throughout the entire value chain.
Today, the Weleda Group is the world’s leading supplier of certified natural cosmetics and anthroposophical medicines with its 2500 employees.


Vraag nu een demo aan

Onze e-procurement-experts stellen het Onventis All-in-One inkoopnetwerk voor.

Weitere Kunden aus der BrancheOther customers from the industryAndere klanten uit de brancheOther customers from the industry: Chemie/Farmacie/ Kunststoffen

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Onventis Infos